Monday, 28 January 2013

Elevator Pitch

Paula published on her blog details on the "elevator pitch" I found this very interesting and confirmed some principles i try to work to


Thursday, 3 January 2013

3a Current Networks

This is for me a very interesting exercise, in considering the various ways in which we network, consciously and subconsciously, every day of our lives.

It is something vitally worth being aware of and I guess performers need to be near the top of the list when it comes to being able to do this. It is a very necessary skill of the trade.

My experience is as someone who has moved away from looking for acting work but I find whilst sometimes the networking isn't "make or break" and worrying totally about where the next job or food is coming from, it has had to develop, like branches of a tree that go off in different directions, taking many different twists and turns to accommodate slightly different ambitions. It has had to become ingenious and had to accommodate sometimes more, sometimes less rewarding interactions.

What I am really hoping this course will help me achieve, is an understanding of different methods, particularly on line, where I know my adaptability and my abilities are definitely challenged. 

As a part time Artistic Director part of my task is ensuring the group remains financially solvent, for without that it is impossible to sustain as practitioners, this kind of a theatre company and move forward to exciting and ambitious work. So part of my current networks will reflect my situation as an artist, in education and being involved in the running of an arts organisation. In mentioning these networks I am not seeking to put them in a definite order of precedence, because at different times it alters, given the situation.


As we all know, its difficult to describe on paper, the value this has and sometimes in the most unlikeliest of situations. Other bloggers have mentioned bars/clubs/theatres and other social get togethers or, quite often bump into`s.

There is nothing like bouncing and exchanging ideas off friends, who quite often share the same aspirations, maybe teach you a different approach, enrich you artistically, opening up opportunities you never thought existed. They are sometimes able to finance some of these ideas  and are not all necessarily from the performing business. These are face to face interactions, which I think from experience are to be highly valued, partly because positive body language is harder to read from a text and can be a powerful tool, if used effectively.
These are all networks that can build with the years, become very important artistic sustainability wise and be great fun! 


An essential networking tool, when leading busy lives, I still rely greatly on my address book of contacts and I do send numerous group messages by text/email and am increasingly using iphone capabilities.

Organised/agreed Meetings

I have to attend many, some I have actively instigated or been invited along to. I tend to be very proactive in setting these up but try and focus on whats to be achieved. Can be the bane of a lot of lives, if not organised well. I find though that very little would happen without them. I am talking agents, business funders, charitable sponsors, performers. Some seriously good results can happen if the right environment is created. You can also quickly be able to find who you can work with.

It could be I am planning working on a project in a certain community, so I meet with relevant people there and enlist there help. I can join up different agencies to come together and we are a stronger body.

Definite Minutes and action points are important., for memory, as well as moving things forward.


Again, networking is happening all the time, between performers. There is a saying that you need to be aware of the next generation of performers, because as with other professions, they could be your future employer. A lesson for any particularly difficult Director.

Now on line media

Through various channels, including Spotlight, The Stage and other audition notifications.

Your own website, which leads onto;

Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Flickr, You tube channels etc, where definite Web 2.0 principles are brought into play. My weaker area and one I really want to get a grip of. We have a website developed by a friend of a friend and it proves to be problematic in updating quickly but essential to do so.


Less frequently, but still appreciated in certain quarters

Paid for Adverts Banners, posters, adverts in paper media and google/facebook

Supermarkets I have literally unfortunately taken a group to perform in one and publicise a production. Although it did raise awareness and was financially successful perhaps not again, as a line should be drawn.

In Summary

I frequently enjoy networking and find it rewarding, although I would still consider myself shy.

One final thought on communication in general. We have found to our cost, in our small organisation that taking away proper channels of communication can lead to problems that will take even longer to resolve than if communication had been there in the first place. After all, it tends to be if the first misinformation has gone out unchallenged or unable to be effectively challenged, mud tends to stick, regardless of if its true or not, an example being certain tabloid disclosures.


2b Reflective Writing

In keeping a journal, I am hoping that good bits of professional practice are retained, not forgotten! which does happen and less successful ones refined or discarded.
These are my developing thoughts on the different ways in which you could keep a journal, the ones that I found easier to use and others that I could use in different situations; 


This is sometimes something I do in an aural way with colleagues when evaluating what happened? the main events? and where and when. I know that a journal is personal to the individual and as has been mentioned by Adesola, is sometimes best to be left that way. It has been a busy time and when able to keep upto it

Initial Reflection

I liked this technique, as at the moment day to day situations have arisen that have caused an emotiolnal response. I found i was able to spill out strong emotions. I also spoke to a friend who is using this method as a way of dealing with a close family illness and the difficult decisions that may have to be made. In this light I could really imagine using this technique. 


On a number of occasions I use my phone to quickly write down song titles or ideas, sometimes that I end up using in a script or for musical ideas in a pantomime for instance. I read a blog from Lee Taylor who did the same with his iphone. i would use this technique again. 

Graphs, charts and diagram

I found this hard only admittedly doing it the once to attach some kind of benchmark to what may or may not be positive and how I could use this effectively, particularly over the short term.
What if?
I found this useful and tried it a few times. In my daytime profession of working with young people their are many times when what ifs? could be used. I shared this with some professional colleague friends who agreed and I have used it in my school work classroom and drama teaching context, in a confiedntial way.

Another View

In a different way, evaluation of your work by your peers and in particular young people, is important to me and whilst at times there is some trepidation, most of the time I have found that feedback is positive. This is a slightly different thing, imagining what others would think, is something we as human beings probably subconsiously do anyway everyday. I personally would prefer, at this point, going down the route of evaluation of my work, regularly, by young people and peers ( by this i mean, the management board I report to and colleagues) due to the fact i am not a regularly performing professional anymore.
I have a notebook, which basically also acts as my diary which I scribble things into, is confidential, this is my professional journal and something I can use it quickly.
I find increasingly however, that my phone and also a confidential online spreadsheet/database i have acts as a part journal because i can add my thoughts, refer to it if I feel able and acts as a memory jog for things I must tackle, it also, I have found has helped me evolve in my professional life.